Rabu, 28 Februari 2024

A Glocalization Cultural Based Course Book for Intercultural Understanding


Dr. Istiqamah, MA, Muflihah, M.Pd, 
Nur Ali, MH, Nurmy AR, M.Pd dan 
Nurhalimah, M.Hum

Tata Letak:
Fahmi Ichwan

Desain Sampul:
Adi S

Penerbit Top Indonesia (Anggota IKAPI)  
Jalan Purnama Agung VII Pondok Agung Permata Y35 Pontianak 
Kalimantan Barat 

Cetakan pertama Oktober  2023

viii+ 71  Page 16 cm x  24 cm

This book focuses on glocalization as a phenomenon in intercultural understanding.
Although it is defined as fitting glocal to local cultures, glocalization is more than that.
Glocalization sends a message of harmony between the global culture that is superior and the local
that is inferior. Through glocalization, the interaction of superior global culture and inferior local
culture can be in harmony. To this point, it is assumed that internalizing intercultural competencies
using intercultural communication has been going sufficiently well.
A Glocalization Cultural Based Course Book for Intercultural Understanding
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